Government Services Division

About the Government Services Division

Unwin Company established its Government Services Division in 2007 to support U.S. government clients. Our primary focus is currently to provide technical support to the Department of Energy's Office of Enterprise Assessments (EA). Specifically, we perform support in the area of independent oversight of safety and security of the U.S. Department of Energy's facilities and activities related to the Nation's nuclear weapons program, Cold War environmental restoration, applied energy technology development, and basic science research.

Our personnel are subject matter experts in all the areas noted below, with detailed knowledge of government regulations and expectations, and a demonstrated history of effectively and efficiently helping government clients to achieve their missions. We have the management and organizational resources necessary to support government clients including an approved accounting system and various operational support capabilities.

Areas of Expertise

The Unwin Company Government Services Division has technical expertise in various areas including:

  • Safeguards and Security
  • Cyber Security
  • Emergency Management
  • Environment, Safety, and Health.

We apply our technical expertise to support the oversight of the effectiveness of these programs, and are subject matter experts in the development and presentation of training courses in various safety and security functional areas, including physical security, vulnerability assessment, nuclear material control and accountability, protective force, and nuclear safety.